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mid June fleming place destruction begins

the beautiful forest that once surrounded my home is being torn down limb by limb around me. its horrible & horrifying & all i can do is document. You couldn't even see that my house was here last week with all the trees. 

my house. i feel so exposed. 

this tree has hugged my house for close to 100 years. over the last seven it has protected me from sun & winter winds. kept me shady & breezy. surrounded me with bird calls. acted as blinds. and brought me beauty that i cannot even express. it is slated to be cut down imminently along with the large majority of the other amazing century old and others that make up the last urban forest in downtown peterborough. heartbroken

my perennial garden. aka my love 

this is my neighbours garden: (all shots below) she was forced to dig it up & move it with only a few weeks notice in late June. it has been heartbreaking to watch. i am sure that any gardener or lover of beauty can empathize. 
I fear my garden (above) faces the same fate at some point. unfathomable denial is where i live on that one. 

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