Seed Saving Saturday

dried hot peppers: makes collecting the seeds a lot less painful 

gorgeous sunflower

pretty phenomenal that one seed can turn into so many more .... and this is only one of the heads that came one sunflower seed. seed saving is magical and addictive 

last of the tomatoes into the bank for winter 

pretty nice rack 

 black turtle beans and purple barley grown at the lift lock community garden this summer 

drunken frizzy headed woman lettuce seed drying until i have time to seperate it 

Garlic Planting

cleaned garlic cloves ready to go in the ground  
some of these cloves are giant. they're going make great future bulbs 

prepped bed 

cloves going in the ground for winter slumber 
garden cleaned up for the season 

Second Comings in an October Garden

  late october warm weather brought on a second crop of many things including zucchini 

red romaine going to seed 


i've been collecting purple bean seeds for a few weeks, now the plants are reflowering and creating new baby beans. awesome 
new basil leaves. what a treat 

green bean flowers and new beans 

baby lemon squashes and flowers 

lots of flowers still blooming, and producing tonnes of seed  

red stalk celery. i grow it basically for the herby deliciousness of it all 


some tomatoes still growing strong on the vine. in late october. oh my 

one of the last bouquets from the garden 

cleaned up garden 

Last Big Harvest - November

loads of carrots, some romanesco, cabbage, herbs & kale 

romanesco growing up. this sight made me oh so happy

purple cabbage and fall leaves. gorgeous
and delicious

Late Fall Tomato & Pepper Harvests

Despite many september frost warnings, and October touches of frost, tomatoes continued to ripen on my table well into mid-November

lots of peppers picked green ripening beautifully on my coffee table 

hot peppers: bulgarian carrot, jalapenos, and garden sunshine  

gorgeous peppers ripening in fall sunshine 

lots of basil! it's off to the Night Kitchen for their pesto. Grown & eaten on hunter st.