the end of my beautiful perennial garden -- at least until parts of it can begin again

 i spent 8 years building this beautiful garden. i added tonnes of amazing plants from friends established perennial gardens, started beauties from seeds, and moved things around to have it bloom beautifully each month of the season. this is what it looked like in July 2012. i think it was my greatest art project to date, and certainly made me feel very proud & happy every time i looked at it ...

 unfortunately, not everyone has the same values as me, and since I didn't own the home where it was had no control when it was decided that the gorgeous little neighbourhood of fleming place would loose all of its trees, gardens & character to development.
This is what the garden site looks like just a year later in July 2013.
 I got some of my plants out, they are not very happy with being moved, and are just being kept alive this season, instead of flourishing. so so heartbreaking. 
 the last remaining green in the corner is a lilac tree that i started from a small little twig. i wonder & hope it will stay against the bulldozer. i have little faith though

the gorgeous green & lush fleming place in early summer 2012
 it was truly an urban oasis. 

 this is what it looks like today. barely a tree left on the whole property. certainly not lush, green or any sort of oasis. so sad. 


  1. that must be heartbreaking to see, such a shame barren landscapes can be so popular

  2. What a loss -- for everyone! As a fellow gardener I'm upset... your photos were beautiful. I hope you'll be able to get started on a new project soon. Gardens make such beautiful additions to streets of all sizes. On the plus side: think how much you've learned from the process and can apply to the next one!
