late July seed garden photos

can't stop photographing this gorgeous drunken frizzy headed woman lettuce. Can't wait to add it to my urbantomato 2014 seed collection
First sunflower. I love having flowers mixed into my seed garden. Sometimes I collect the seeds, sometimes I love the beauty they add, and I always love that they attract pollinators  
mammoth purple cabbage - mine seems to be a little behind to what I see in other folks gardens, no cabbage yet, but I bet it likes these cold nights more than i do! 

purple cherokee tomatoes coming along 

cosmos & sunflowers captured just before blooming

first of the peppers! 

artichoke leaves unfurling 
portugal pepper bigger than the plants  
 lettuce boquets 

 more peppers coming 
red stalk celery. can't say i have ever had much luck growing into celery, but it sure makes a delicious herb
mexican sunflower. i started them from seed early this season, and they are flowering quite early as a reward.  
 lots of beans coming along 
 gorgeous mixed greens. waiting for most to go to seed, but couldn't resist picking a salad of speckled lettuce, siberian kale, red romaine, drunken frizzy headed woman lettuce, mustard greens and arugula! some zucchini blossoms too 
 first big basil harvest ... off to the Night Kitchen pizza shop for making delicious local pesto ... super local, same street, just five blocks apart from garden to restaurant. 

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