garlic scapes & community garden plot

 first garlic scape harvest! 

 mmm. the first big harvest from my community garden plot is here! I planted this garlic last Fall, and despite it struggling a bit with a leek moth infestation, it is scaping beautifully. 

 tiny peppers

lift lock garden in the twilight. beauty 

lupins going to seed

i love this pic, because in this evening light, you can see the lupin seeds growing inside their pods. Not ready to pick yet, let them swell, brown & dry on the plant.
then separate from the plant material & set aside to dry again.
check out this post for more details and step by step pictures. 
this is what the seeds look like if you don't get to them & they spread themselves through your garden. I think they look so beautiful like this!

springs turns to summer

secret gardens lovely flower entrance 

 finally lots of garden beds to plant in!  i got a late start in planting, so many of my plants are just starting to sprout, full adjust and take off ... 

garden map

baby basil 
 drunken frizzy headed woman lettuce 
 baby scarlett nantes carrots just shooting through 

sunset lettuce sprouting

 arugula. already pretty tasty
 baby detroit red dark beets 

 parts of my transplanted perennial gardens are doing pretty good. love these delphiniums. 

 mammoth cabbage. not so mammoth yet 
 siberian kale! 

 the colours of the delphinium is incredible 

spring in the garden

humble beginnings. a whole lot of weeding to do
starting to etch out some beds
after much weeding, I have places to plant!! 

Luckily, there was lots of lupins amongst the weeds & they are looking amazing

urbantomato on Chex

urbantomato was featured on Chex Television's My Peterborough! 

me and my sunroom greenhouse were featured to show you, you can grow your own food; and seeds!