Seed Saving Workshop

Tis the season for seed saving! I will be updating tips on how to collect and save your seeds over the next month ... Here's a photo of a seed saving workshop I recently hosted at the Lift Lock Community Garden. I am showing folks how to harvest arugula seeds. .... I am always too busy to take photos, so I am glad that someone did!

Gardens Not Lawns

My perennial garden & I are honoured to be included in Mr. Brown Thumbs 'Gardens Not Lawns' slideshow! - Check it out!

let the canning begin!!

 i pickled my lovely beans & carrots. i love the sound of freshly canned jars lids popping

gardens mid august

first tomatoes! 
gorgeous greens of detroit dark red beets 
 there was a tonne of filipendula in the garden, so i didn't weed it out & now its blooming & adding a really nice addition to the beauty of the garden. i even have some lupins blooming late in the garden
 i can see the beauty little orca beans creating dimension in their pods 

 the view of the garden from the back. hard to capture just how much is growing in their in a wide shot

 funky hot peppers <3 p="p">

 black-eyed susan's & yellow beans growing happily together 
 lots of alma paprika's ripening. mmm smoked paprika 

mid august harvest!

 my seed garden is really starting to produce. picked my first tomatoes & peppers! lots & lots of beans too

Gardens growing in early August

 yellow pear tomatoes getting ready to ripen 
 alma paprika's are abundant! nice & yellow, but need to wait until they're red!
 paste tomatoes taking shape - opalka's & striped caverns 

 This has been an incredible year for beans! here's my orca's, greens, purples & yellows growing happily
 Cucs! And Jalapeno's 
 squash. unfortunately this plant is now under attack from squash borers & this might be the only fruit it get from it .... 
beautiful beet greens  
 tonnes of future zucchini's