I just picked a super large bag of green beans from my small row in my community garden. It is only just the beginning too! Better get my pickling station set-up!
a carefully curated collection of locally grown heirloom seeds & the knowledge needed to help you get saving & growing your own!
Colourful Carrots
I am so happy I am pulling carrots that I planted in early May. They are so colourful & delicious ... and I simply cannot stop photographing them
when cut up they get even more beautiful
lift lock community garden harvest late July ....
harvest nestled in with my farmers market purchases.
Late July seed garden
I love cucumbers curly q's
Peppers producing fruit
Drunken frizzy headed woman lettuce - can't wait to have this one in my seed collection!
lovely basil. smells so good
mmm. spicy arugula ....
garden from the entrance. hard to see but there is tonnes of veg planted in here about to produce a cornucopia of heirloom produce & eventually seed
Garlic Harvest!
Yeah Garlic Harvest!!
I harvested my garlic! Last fall I planted 25 bulbs of my dear friends bradley's garlic & now I have 25 bulbs & close to 400 bulbs to re-plant.
I love seed saving! It just makes sense.
Some of the garlic cracked open. I guess I'll have to eat these ones!
tied up to be hung & cured for re-planting this fall
Hanging in my porch to dry
July vegetable gardens
Despite my late start in getting my garden planted, things are growing along splendidly! My tomatoes & peppers are finally starting to flower. Yeah!
late seeded crops are starting to sprout & grow! Some of them are even ready to eat!
mmm basil is growing along & smelling great. pesto here i come!
My Lift Lock community garden plot is also starting to really come along. this is a shot of the whole garden, not just mine:
my garden map
first harvest from community garden plot! tasty & gorgeous!!
first full salad from the garden!
Perennial Garden Love!!!
I am so in love with my garden it is unbelievable. It really is in its blooming glory right now. It's a little bitter sweet. the development in my neighbourhood will most likely lead to its forced removal. sadness & heartbreak.
I will enjoy every bloom while i can.