
 I have gotten really into canning this year! So far, I have made dill pickles, pickled beans, pickled beets, pickled basil carrots, salsa, relish, oven-dried tomatoes, smoked paprika, roasted tomato sauce, regular tomato sauce, canned peaches & pears & a whole lot of pesto!! I am hoping to make my own ketchup, and because I still have lots of paste tomatoes sitting on my counter, something else creative with tomatoes?? Suggestions?
 Snap shot of my pantry last week
& a wider show also showing pesto (that is stored in my freezer!) 
 Beautiful pickled basil carrots

 I already posted these photos of pickles in mid-prep, and final product with ingredients, but thought i would add them again

 Tomato paste, juice and oven-dried cherries!!

 another pantry shot, as of Oct. 6th, have to start piling things on top shelf now!