a carefully curated collection of locally grown heirloom seeds & the knowledge needed to help you get saving & growing your own!
Farm - mid-June
Peppers are starting to flower! and the tomatoes are growing along. funny how small they look now. and how big they will be later.
Perennial Gardens - June 10th
This weather is really making the blooms come & go quick. trying hard to document and enjoy every step of the way!
More farming photos
Little chocolate peppers (above) and alma paprika (below) growing in black plastic to help keep them warm!
A gorgeous view of a storm coming in from the South. Glad that my little tomatoes persevered through the 60km/h winds of the night before. they were a little flattened, but un-broken. way to go little guys!
My tomatoes, all lined up and looking great!
Dirty. Dirty garden plan. 300 seedlings in and counting!
Liftlock Community Garden
The humble beginnings of my plot at the Liftlock Community Garden!
Little peppers taking root!
Cucumber seeds in mounds getting ready to sprout!
Farming - First week of June
My plot of land, everything is so small, it is hard to imagine that a tall person will be able to disappear in the green by August!
Paula nicely agreed to rotovate my land for me! Now it is so much smoother and easier to dig. Nicer for the roots to spread themselves out too! Thanks Paula. I was envious of her rotovated land, and now I am envious of her tractor driving skills!
beautiful view to the south, i can't get enough of it!
Irrigation system. A tractor motor sucks the water out of a spring, and then fills the systerine with lots of water for our planties.
Poppies in Perennial Garden
oh how i love my garden. it is now a five year old perennial garden, it has grown and flourished over the years, but i think this year, it has really hit it's stride. i have barely had to do anything to it, and it looks gorgeous. i could spend days on end sitting on my porch watching it grow. as i type this, i am out front watching the irises burst under the hot afternoon sun!