Starting Your Seeds

It is a little early to start thinking about starting your seeds, but since many people give seeds as holiday gifts, I thought I would be sure the information is available. It is tempting to get started, but hold out a little while longer!
Starting Your Seeds:
1) Start tomatoes & peppers indoors in late March or early April. Greens are cold hardy & can be started directly outdoors, in cold frames or indoors in early spring.
2) Collect containers that have proper drainage. Wash pots before using.
3) Fill pots, egg cartons or cell packs with soilless medium.
4) Poke your thumb into soil to make a small indentation.
5) Place one seed in each container. Cover with soil
6) Sit your plants in a bright warm & sunny place. If you don't have enough light, seedlings will get spindly & weak reaching for a stronger light source.
7) Water enough to keep soil moist but not drenched.
8) Label your containers.
9) Seeds should sprout in a week- 10 days.
10) Keep moist & enjoy watching them grow.


  1. I really enjoy your blog! I am new to gardening. I am excited to try tomatoes (from urbantomato seeds) this year for the first time. You mention to fill the container with "soilless" medium but then say to poke a hole in the "soil". what exactly should i be using to start my seeds? what do you use? thanks, catherine

  2. Great, glad you like the site. Sorry for confusion, yes, use soilless medium to start of your little babies (it still looks like soil, but is mostly peatmoss & minerals). you can use compost and other ammendments when you transplant the seedlings to bigger pots.
