a carefully curated collection of locally grown heirloom seeds & the knowledge needed to help you get saving & growing your own!
Extending the Season & Growing the Harvest
Panel Discussion: How can we increase the availability of local food while supporting farmers and business in the region??
Special thanks to Martin Oates, Lisa Dixon & Lee Galley for the lively debate and discussion & information
Extending the Season & Growing the Harvest
up to my elbows in rotting tomatoes!!
pictorial step by step guide to saving your own tomato seeds
(1) select ripe, healthy tomatoes, cut in half horizontally
(2) squeeze out all guts into a jar, set aside
(3) let the 'tomato goo' ferment for three- five days (dependent on weather). wait for a layer of mould to form on top
(4) once fermentation has occured, add water to jar. the seeds will sink and the 'goo' will float
(5) you may want to do this step a few times. slowly pour rotten elements from the top, add more water, repeat until only seeds and water remain in the jar
(6) strain seeds. seperate from water. rinse
(7) let seeds dry on a screen for a week or more.
you can then store them for the winter in an envelope. keep in a dark, dry and cool place . . . .
(1) select ripe, healthy tomatoes, cut in half horizontally
(2) squeeze out all guts into a jar, set aside
(3) let the 'tomato goo' ferment for three- five days (dependent on weather). wait for a layer of mould to form on top
(4) once fermentation has occured, add water to jar. the seeds will sink and the 'goo' will float
(5) you may want to do this step a few times. slowly pour rotten elements from the top, add more water, repeat until only seeds and water remain in the jar
(6) strain seeds. seperate from water. rinse
(7) let seeds dry on a screen for a week or more.
you can then store them for the winter in an envelope. keep in a dark, dry and cool place . . . .
Wondering What Variety Your Tomatoes Are?
loads of cherries. bottom row from right to left
una heart stock. green grape. isis candy. yellow pear. black cherry
striped cavern
allegory sunset
white queen & hillbilly
yellow pear & costoluto genovese
black seaman
black krim
black russian
purple cherokee
green grape
from top. green grape. striped cavern. yellow taxi
una heart stock. green grape. isis candy. yellow pear. black cherry
striped cavern
allegory sunset
white queen & hillbilly
yellow pear & costoluto genovese
black seaman
black krim
black russian
purple cherokee
green grape
from top. green grape. striped cavern. yellow taxi